The information and reference portal of Public Services, which can be easily found on the Internet, was created for easier exchange of information between citizens of the Russian Federation and government authorities involved in the provision of municipal public services. The single portal provides a unique opportunity to find complete information on issues of individuals and legal entities. Any Internet user can register on the State Services website without much difficulty, after going through a short procedure to verify his identity. There are times when the password to enter the portal is lost. What to do in such a situation and how to recover your password on State Services will be discussed in this article.

How to recover your password on State Services

Each user registered on the site undergoes verification of their data on a voluntary basis. All this is done so that subsequently the citizen can quickly select accurate information for the region where he lives. After completing the extended registration once, you can simply write in the address bar and enter your username and password, then simply log into your website.

Restoring access for foreigners

Foreign citizens register on the website according to the following scheme АААВВВВССССССDD, where:

  • the first 3 characters indicate the country of which the person is a citizen;
  • then there are 4 characters deciphering the series of the document;
  • The next 5 indicate the serial number of the document;
  • the last 2 characters display the citizen’s year of birth.

To recover the password on the website, foreigners will need to provide the data specified above. This procedure can be carried out by going to the “Recover Password?” service located on the Personal Account login page.

Restoring access for Russian citizens

Citizens of our country will also need to enter the “Recover Password” section, where they can get a new password for State Services if they lose the old one. For citizens of the Russian Federation, this procedure is greatly simplified. Recovering a password for the website similarly begins with the “Recover Password?” service, where you need to go first. Next, you will be offered various options for obtaining a new password for the Public Services portal:

  • using an electronic mailbox;
  • using a mobile phone number;
  • You can enter your number and receive a special code that the system will generate.

Next, you just have to answer the security question that you personally indicated during registration. When using the first two options, the system will send a special code to your phone number or mailbox with further instructions on how to change your password on State Services. This code will need to be entered on the site, and if it is correctly recognized by the system, you will be given the opportunity to enter a new password.

What other methods of restoring access to the public services system exist?

You can find out how to access State Services if you have forgotten your password by calling: 8 (800) 100 – 70 – 10. This is the hotline number of the Unified Portal of Municipal and State Services. If the user is unable to make a call, how else can he find out the password for the State Services resource?

In this case, there is another way. On the portal itself there is a section called “Reference Information”. The user will need to go there from his computer and then select the “Comments and Suggestions” subsection, in which he can write and send a message with his problem. After some time, support service specialists will send in a response letter information on how you can change your password to a new one on State Services.

This article covered as much as possible the topics on how to change the password on State Services, how to obtain new login data and what criteria exist for restoring access. How to change the password on State Services by contacting the support service was also described above.

To avoid the hassle of losing your password, you should know how best to store your passwords.

Advice! You can always simply write down your password on paper and put it in a safe place; it can also be saved in electronic form and stored on a desktop computer or on any removable media (flash drive, disk, etc.).

In any case, specialists from the resource will always help a citizen in a difficult situation and answer all questions regarding the storage and recovery of passwords.

Users have a large number of accounts on various networks and platforms. It is difficult to remember all the details of each Personal Account. And if you set the same security key for all pages, then there is a high probability of hacking. The State Services Portal is no exception. Users very often contact support with the question of how to recover their password on State Services if they have forgotten it or some initial data in their profile has changed (for example, phone number, email, etc.).

Data recovery by phone number or email

The State Services website is a very popular and necessary resource. On it you can find out information about certain services of various government organizations via the Internet. Using this platform, you can also order the necessary certificates, submit applications, that is, do everything that could be done in a branch of the organization. The site itself is organized and systematized, has an intuitive interface, so most users do not have problems working with it. A technical support service is available to promptly resolve user issues.

Many people do not know how to recover their password on State Services. To regain access to the Personal Account, the user must go to the authorization form. After this, a window will open on the page in which two fields to fill out will be displayed, and under them the inscription: “Forgot your password.”

The user needs to click on it and then follow these steps:

  1. Enter your mobile phone number or e-mail;
  2. Add the series and number of your passport or details of one of the proposed documents;
  3. Answer the security question, the answer to which was indicated during registration;
  4. Enter the key, which should be sent to the phone or email entered when creating your Personal Account;
  5. Come up with a new security key for your personal profile and repeat it twice.
  6. The new password for State Services should be quite complex; it is not recommended to associate it with your name and date of birth. In order for the security code to be reliable, it should use uppercase and lowercase Latin letters along with numbers. Only in this case can you be sure of a high level of data protection. New login information must be written down in a place inaccessible to others.

    Data recovery when there is no access to the phone

    It often happens that the mobile phone is not linked to the account or the user has lost it, that is, it cannot be used to restore access to the account. How to change the password on State Services in this case? To do this, you will need other documents: passport, SNILS and identification code.

    The first steps are still the same. In the window to indicate a phone number, you need to click on the button located under the form. After this, a new window will open in which you need to enter the SNILS number or other document. Then the process follows the same plan: a new security code is specified and repeated twice. As mentioned above, capital Latin letters in the password for State Services are a prerequisite for its creation.

    This method can only be used if one of the documents is linked to its own page on the resource. If this condition is not met, the system simply will not find your Personal Account and the opportunity to update the information will be lost. If none of the above methods help, then you need to contact the service center. To do this, you need to come there with personal documents, and specialists will quickly create a new account or update access to the old one.

    Account protection

    A personal account is a very important resource that should not be accessed by fraudsters. It stores a lot of confidential information that can be used for various illegal activities. Criminals can act on behalf of the user, so the Personal Account should be very securely protected. If you forgot your password for State Services, you need to immediately return it and make a new one. Also, to protect information, you need to create a complex security code, which must contain numbers, as well as capital and uppercase Latin letters. If you can’t come up with a password yourself, then it’s best to ask the service for help. An example of a good password for State Services: GH4fyu58Tfq63O.

    The service offers to protect your account using your mobile phone. To do this, check the security settings so that an authorization code is sent to your device every time you log into your Personal Account. This is a simple process, but it will completely secure your data. It is recommended to indicate as many documents as possible in your own profile. In this case, it will be easier to restore access to information, and the system will quickly verify that you are the owner of the page.

    To summarize, it should be said that if you have forgotten the password for State Services, then you need to quickly return access to your profile. There is an important part of the user's life that scammers can use for their own purposes.

    The mechanism for restoring access to data itself is not that complicated. As a last resort, you can simply contact the service center, where qualified specialists will help, who will tell you what the cause of the problem was and answer other questions.

Reading time: 7 min

The government services portal is a resource that allows you to order the necessary government and municipal services. With its help, you can get a passport, pay taxes and fines, make an appointment with a doctor, stand in line for kindergarten, and even open your own business. And all this with a minimum of bureaucratic delays and long lines.

But what if you can’t access the site? What if the old password is lost or the user has forgotten it? Will I have to do it again? Let us reassure you right away: yes, it is possible to restore access to the State Services website. And it’s easy to do, you can even do it without leaving your home.

Recover password by phone number or email

Restoring access via mobile phone or email is available only for simplified accounting. To do this, you need to have a mobile phone linked to your account and access to your mailbox. Let's start in order.

  1. First, you need to try logging into your Personal Account - the link is in the upper right corner on the main page of the official website.
    On the page that opens, at the bottom, click on the “I don’t know my password” link.
  2. The site offers several options, we are interested in “Phone or email”.
  3. Place a circle next to your mobile phone number or email. After entering the data, the system asks you to confirm that you are not a robot.
  4. All you have to do is find a password recovery letter in your mail or a message with a code to restore access to your phone account. This is what an email looks like.

  5. Click on the “Create a new password” link. Once again on the State Services website, change your password. Enter it again.

For security purposes, the password must comply with the following rules:

  1. Contain capital Latin letters;
  2. Lowercase Latin letters;
  3. Numbers;
  4. Punctuation marks;
  5. Must consist of 8 or more letters and symbols;

It's easy to find out if your password is correct. The system will automatically prompt you if it does not comply with these rules. Then it will be necessary to change it again.

After entering, the portal will redirect visitors to the main page, where they will offer to re-enter their personal account.

Recover password using SNILS or INN

A standard or confirmed account requires entering the number of one of the documents: passport, TIN or SNILS.

The procedure is identical. The only difference is that you need to select a document and enter its number. After that, select the delivery method for the password change link: email or telephone. And then you will need to enter the code from the SMS sent to your phone or follow the link in the letter. The SMS code is valid for only five minutes!

Create a new password that meets security requirements. Repeat it twice. Login to the site has become available. As you can see, it is not at all difficult to recover your password on State Services.

Click on this link, select the type of service and find the nearest center on the map. You just need to have your passport and SNILS with you. The center staff will check the data and quickly solve the problem. For other questions, please contact the portal hotline: 8 800 100 70 10 or support service.

Protect your account

To prevent scammers from hacking your account, you need to protect yourself and your data. First of all, you need a password that is as complex as possible. Of course, your date of birth, mobile phone number or the first letters of your keyboard will not work. It is advisable to choose combinations of upper and lowercase letters, numbers and permitted characters. The more complex the combination is used, the more reliable it is. You can come up with a suitable password yourself or generate it using special online services, and then write it down and carefully store it in a safe place.

In addition, double authorization will provide good additional protection. You can enable it through your account settings. It works as follows: every time you log in to, a message with a special code will be sent to the attached phone number, which must be entered in a separate line next to your login and password.

The State Services portal offers users a wide range of opportunities. With its help, citizens make an appointment with a doctor, submit applications to authorized authorities, submit 3-NDFL declarations, register their own business and solve a large number of other problems. All of these options are unavailable if you are unable to access the site because your password has been forgotten or lost. The way out of the situation is simple: you need to use the procedure for restoring access to your account, which can actually be done without leaving your home.

If you have forgotten your password, use one of two options to recover it:

  1. Using a mobile number.
  2. Via email.

Let's analyze the algorithm in more detail. It includes the following steps:

Step 1 - Login to the site

Step 2 - Specify your login

The system will prompt you to enter the mobile phone number or email number under which you previously created the account. Specify one of two values ​​and click on the “Find” button.

Step 3 - Create a new password

You will see a message stating that the system has sent a one-time code to your phone or email. You must enter it in the newly opened window, and then come up with a new password to enter the site that meets the system requirements. The latter must include capital and lowercase letters, numbers and punctuation marks. Write down the generated combination in your notepad: it will be needed for further use of the system.

When a password is created and duplicated for security purposes, the system will automatically redirect you to the site, and you will again be able to use the entire list of services offered.

The algorithm for “reanimating” an account using SNILS is similar to the method discussed above. The difference is that you need to click on the “Recover using SNILS” hyperlink. The system will automatically transfer the user to the next tab, where in a special window you need to enter the certificate number.

Enter the numbers you are looking for and press the “Find” button. Wait a few seconds: an SMS message with a one-time code will be sent to the mobile number linked to a specific SNILS. Enter it in the newly opened window and create a new password that will meet the system security requirements.

What should I do if I have lost access to my number and email?

If the password recovery methods suggested above did not work because the citizen changed his number and cannot log into his electronic mailbox, he needs to contact one of the State Services service centers in person with a passport or SNILS. The list of addresses can be found at the link. They are marked on the map, and an individual can easily find the option closest to his home.

The citizen must appear in person at the selected center and present his passport to the employee. Based on the document, he will quickly restore access to your personal account.

To clarify the details, you can contact specialists in advance through the portal feedback form located at the link, or call the hotline number 88001007010 (free call).

Through the State Services portal, users contact authorized government agencies, and therefore their applications may contain confidential data. To avoid a possible “leakage” of information, you need to take care in advance to protect your account on the site from attacks by intruders.

To do this you need:

  • Create a complex password. It is advisable that it does not include such “banal” elements as date of birth or mobile number. For reliability, you can use the services of online password generators.
  • Keep your password in a safe place, or better yet, in your memory.
  • When registering, indicate your “active” email, which you use every day and whose password you remember.
  • Use the double authorization service, which can be activated in your personal account settings. Its essence is that to log in, the user needs to additionally enter a one-time SMS code, which will be sent to the mobile number specified during registration.

The State Services portal offers a simple way to restore access to your personal account for users who have forgotten or lost their password. To change it, just request a one-time code to your mobile number or email.

Open the website and click on the button “register”=”” alt=”How to change the password on the site”>

Recover the password to your personal government services account

In this manual we will walk through the entire process in detail. How to recover a password on the government services website online A special password recovery form on the official website is located at You can also get to this page by clicking the “Recover Password” link in the form for entering credentials to enter the portal:

2) Enter your real last name, first name, mobile phone and email address.

3) At the next stage, an SMS message with a confirmation code will be sent to your cell phone.

The State Services website has a special password recovery function.

Registration for public services of an individual

Registration on the portal Go to the main page of the portal - On the main page of the public services portal, on the right side, click on the “Register” button and go to the registration form on the ESIA page -

Enter your last name, first name, mobile phone number or email by clicking on the “Register” button and agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

How to change a password on a government service website

AAA – mnemonic of the user's country of citizenship.

BBBB – document series. The value entered in the Series field. CCCCCC – document number. The value entered in the Number field. DD – The last two digits of the user's year of birth.

In this case, the length of the user login is not fixed and depends on the values ​​of the AAA, BBBB, CCCCCC fields.

The main thing is that when recovering your password, enter all the above data correctly and then use the “Forgot your password?” service.

Now all that remains is to wait for the validity of the data to be verified.

This takes about 15 days.

Reasons for replacement How to change a driver's license through ""? As soon as the user has a verified account, you can begin to take decisive action.

But first, it’s worth finding out under what circumstances a citizen needs to replace his driver’s license.

How to restore access to the Unified Portal of Public Services

- independently on the portal.

In the last two cases, you must personally appear at specialized service centers with an identity document and SNILS.

Let's consider a way to independently restore access to the government services portal.

To do this you need: 1. Open the Portal (

2. Click the “Login” button in the upper right corner of the screen.

How to recover your password on State Services, if you forgot - restore access to the State Services portal

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