For Windows to function correctly, it is necessary to install security systems that maintain the working state of the computer. But in some cases, it is necessary to disable the Windows firewall, which protects the system from viruses. This is necessary if the firewall perceives the downloaded program as a threat.

How to disable Windows 7 firewall

How to disable the Windows 7 firewall using the command line

You can disable it using the command line. To do this, use the Netsh command. By typing the text netsh firewall show config, the user sees the current state of the firewall. You can disable the security system using the netsh firewall ipv4 set opmode mode=disable command.

How to enable the command line:

On the desktop we find the Start menu. Open the “Search” panel at the bottom, enter the text “command line” or cmd, and press Enter. Left-click on the words “command line”.

On the black screen that opens, information about the operation of the operating system appears; a cursor blinks at the bottom where you need to enter a command. Enter the command netsh firewall ipv4 set opmode mode=disable and disable the firewall.
If the user does not know what text to enter, then the text help is written into the line, displaying all commands on the console.

You can read how to disable the Windows 7 firewall using the control panel

How to disable Windows 8 firewall

How to disable Windows 10 firewall

The protection system can be easily disabled through the “Control Panel”: First, right-click on the windows stash and select Control Panel.

In the Control Panel, select System and Security.

Now on the left in the list we look for the item Turn Windows Firewall on or off.

In Settings, check the Disable firewall checkbox and save the settings.

To permanently disable it, you can use the firewall service. To do this, type the Win+R combination on the keyboard and type the text services.msc and disable the firewall in the service management window.
Before disabling the Windows firewall, it is recommended to install a good antivirus program. These are the simplest but not the only ways to disable the firewall.

Hello everyone, today a small note on how to allow pings in the firewall via the command line, it may be useful if you have installed the core version of Windows or Hyper-V server 2012R2. And for those people who like to automate everything in their environments, it is suitable for writing bat or cmd files that can be used when installing and configuring the server adopted in your organization. I will also teach you how to open a firewall through a cmd shell, this knowledge has helped me out many times, since there are situations when the mouse on the server does not work, and it is very necessary to open the treasured equipment, since an important service may lie due to a closed port .

Setting up a firewall from the command line

Let's assume that you have a server on which the Windows Server 2012 R2 operating system is installed on the server, according to the standard you should have ping packets open, it is clear that such things can be done by group policy and this is correct, but in my example there is a small branch (branch) and in it you need to open ports on three servers, sending such a file with a command to the manager there, special efforts and knowledge will not be required to complete the task and setting up a firewall using the command line will be very appropriate.

Open the command line and write the following text in it:

netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="ICMP Allow incoming V4 echo request" protocol=icmpv4:8,any dir=in action=allow

As you can see, the rule worked fine, now the required ports should be open in our firewall. Let's check if the rule has been added.

How to start a firewall from the command line

To start the firewall from the command line, enter the following text in it:

and in the incoming rules we see ours, which opens ICMP packets.

This is how easy it is to allow pings in the firewall via the command line.

Disable firewall via command line

Disabling the firewall from the command line is done with the following command:

netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state off

To enable, change off to on,

The built-in firewall in the “seven”, paradoxically, is implemented quite successfully compared to previous versions of Windows. However, users often wonder: how to disable the Windows 7 firewall?

What is a firewall and why is it disabled?

A firewall, or firewall, performs the function of a firewall. The literal translation from English and German is “wall of fire.” Implemented as one of the Windows OS services. The firewall protects your computer from hacking through the network and prevents the leakage of user information.

The need to disable the Windows 7 firewall arises in the event of a conflict. Almost all known antivirus programs have their own firewall. Some users prefer standalone, powerful firewalls, such as those from Norton, Outpost, and other third-party vendors. Two firewalls in a system, like two antiviruses, do not get along, and the consequences of such “friendship” are slowdowns and system freezes.

Warning. It is not recommended to disable protection in case of problems with network access for individual programs. All you need to do is add trusted applications to your firewall exceptions. Some programs themselves offer to do this during installation.

Below are step-by-step instructions on how to disable the Windows 7 firewall:

Disable the firewall from the Control Panel

1. Go through “Start” to “Control Panel”, then “System and Security” (Fig. 1).

2. In the window that appears, click “Windows Firewall” (marked with number 1 in Fig. 4). A firewall window will open, as in Fig. 2.

3. Select “Turn Windows Firewall on or off” (circled in Fig. 2). A window will open as in Fig. 3.

4. The Windows 7 firewall makes a distinction between home (private) and public networks. The latter includes the Internet. For home local networks, a firewall is not needed, so it is disabled. However, for public networks, it is recommended to leave the firewall enabled.




Disabling the firewall through the Administration tab

  1. Through “Start” in “Control Panel”, select “System and Security” and open the tab shown in Fig. 4. Click “Administration” (indicated in the figure by number 2).
  2. In the “Administration” window (Fig. 5), select “Services” (arrow). The Services window will open.
  3. Scroll down the list of services and find “Windows Firewall”. Right-clicking on it will open a list of possible actions. Select “Stop” (marked with the number 1) - after a couple of seconds the service will stop.
  4. To prevent the firewall from starting after a reboot, right-click on it again. Now select “Properties” (number 2 in Fig. 5). In the window that opens, set the startup type to “Disabled”.

To enable the firewall, do everything in the reverse order.



Disabling the firewall from the command line

A method for the most “advanced”. Open the command line in administrator mode, and enter the commands without errors:

1. Disabling the firewall:

netsh firewall set opmode disable

2. Turn on:

netsh firewall set opmode enable

We check the action of the commands on the settings tab (Fig. 3). If the tab is open, do not forget to update its appearance.

All. Now you know how to disable the Windows 7 firewall. We do not recommend leaving a computer connected to the network without firewall protection.

As you know, the built-in Windows firewall does not have any special functionality, so it is usually disabled by more advanced products. However, even with the firewall turned off, sometimes it is necessary to make some settings. For example, open/close ports. And, if it is easier to do this on one computer through a graphical interface, then carrying out the same setup on several computers on the network in this way will be tedious. Let's look at managing the Windows Firewall via the command line. The resulting commands can then be written to a bat file and sent over the network.

This syntax is relevant for Windows Vista, 7, 8 and server editions, starting with 2008 .

Let's start with the basics. Enabling the firewall:

netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state on

Disabling the firewall:

netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state off

Enabling individual profiles:

netsh advfirewall set domainprofile state on netsh advfirewall set privateprofile state on netsh advfirewall set publicprofile state on

Disabling individual profiles:

netsh advfirewall set domainprofile state off netsh advfirewall set privateprofile state off netsh advfirewall set publicprofile state off

Close all incoming connections and allow all outgoing:

netsh advfirewall set allprofiles firewallpolicy blockinbound,allowoutbound

Likewise, blockoutbound will close all outgoing connections, while allowinbound will open all incoming connections. But why? 🙂

Open a local TCP port for an incoming connection. For example 80:

netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="test" protocol=TCP localport=80 action=allow dir=IN

In the example, name is the name of the rule. You can specify what is convenient for you.

Similarly with the UDP protocol:

netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="test" protocol=UDP localport=80 action=allow dir=IN

Well, accordingly, if we want to prohibit incoming calls to local port 80 via TCP:

netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="test" protocol=TCP localport=80 action=block dir=IN

I will not duplicate for UDP. Everything is the same except the name of the protocol.

Allow outgoing messages to the remote port using the TCP protocol. Again, let it be port 80.

netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="test" protocol=TCP remoteport=80 action=allow dir=OUT

Open a range of remote ports for outgoing connections via UDP:

netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="test" protocol=UDP remoteport=5000-5100 action=allow dir=OUT

Create a rule to connect only from a specific IP:

netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="test" protocol=TCP localport=80 action=allow dir=IN remoteip=

Or IP range:

netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="test" protocol=TCP localport=80 action=allow dir=IN remoteip=

The subnet can be entered by name or simply as

Allow connection for a specific program:

netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="test" dir=in action=allow program="C:\test\test.exe" enable=yes

The created rule can be deleted with the command

netsh advfirewall firewall delete rule name="test"

Commands can be combined and modified, and quite flexibly. For example, if we want to open a port only for a certain type of profile, then we can type the following command:

netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="test" protocol=TCP localport=80 action=allow dir=IN profile=domain

The firewall is a very important component of the protection of the Windows 7 operating system. It controls the access of software and other system elements to the Internet and denies it to those applications that it considers unreliable. But there are times when you need to disable this built-in protector. For example, this should be done to avoid a software conflict if you installed a firewall from another developer on a computer that has similar functions. Sometimes it is necessary to temporarily disable it if the protection tool blocks access to the network for some application currently needed by the user.

So, let's find out what options there are to stop the firewall in Windows 7.

Method 1: Control Panel

The most common option for stopping the firewall is to perform manipulations in the Control Panel.

Method 2: Turn off the service in the Manager

You can also turn off the firewall by stopping the corresponding service completely.

  1. To go to the Service Manager, click on again "Start" and then move to "Control Panel".
  2. In the window, enter "System and safety".
  3. Now there click on the name of the next section - "Administration".
  4. A list of tools opens. Click "Services".

    You can also go to the Manager by entering a command expression in the window "Run". To open this window, click Win+R. In the field of the launched tool, enter:

    Click "OK".

    You can also access the Service Manager using the Task Manager. Call him by dialing the combination Ctrl+Shift+Esc, and go to the tab "Services". At the bottom of the window, click "Services...".

  5. Selecting any of the above three options will launch the Service Manager. Find the entry in it "Windows Firewall". Select it. To disable this element of the system, click on the inscription "Stop service" on the left side of the window.
  6. The shutdown procedure is in progress.
  7. The service will be stopped, that is, the firewall will no longer protect the system. This will be indicated by the appearance of an entry on the left side of the window. "Start service" instead of "Stop service". But if you restart your computer, the service will start again. If you want to disable protection for a long time, and not until the first restart, then double-click on the name "Windows Firewall" in the list of elements.
  8. The service properties window opens "Windows Firewall". Open the tab "Are common". In field "Record Type" select from dropdown instead of value "Automatically", which is installed by default, option "Disabled".

Service "Windows Firewall" will be turned off until the user himself performs manipulations to turn it on manually.

Method 3: Stop the service in the system configuration

Also, turn off the service "Windows Firewall" there is a possibility in the system configuration.

There are three options to turn off Windows Firewall. The first of them involves disabling the defender through its internal settings in the Control Panel. The second option involves completely disabling the service. In addition, there is a third option that also disables the service, but does this not through the Manager, but through changes in the system configuration window. Of course, if there is no particular need to use another method, then it is better to use the more traditional first method of disconnection. But, at the same time, disabling the service is considered a more reliable option. The main thing is that if you want to turn it off completely, do not forget to remove the option to automatically start after a reboot.